Do I have to pay customs charge for an international order?
Unfortunately, we're unable to advise what customs charges may be applied to international shipments. Any customs charges are applied at the discretion of the carrier and local laws and all customs charges will be payable by the customer and will not be covered by us. For more accurate information, we’d suggest getting in touch with your local customs office so you’re not surprised if there are any unexpected delivery charges at your end.
How soon will I receive my order?
We have a dedicated
What's available for Next Day Delivery?
We’ve made it easier for our customers to check our real-time stock levels. Every item that we have in stock including any spare custom-made items hair will now show as ‘
I've seen a few grey hair strands in my order.. is this normal?
Yes, this is completely normal! The same can be said about mild discolouration or the appearance of a few grey hairs. A grey strand or two in your hair extensions is not a fatal flaw as our raw hairs are ethically taken straight from our raw donors who may have grown a few strands of grey hairs just as anyone would.
What grade is your hair?
We do not believe in ‘grading systems’ of hair as these are usually gimmicks in the market with no real proof of what the ‘grades’ they claim to be are.
Is it too late to cancel/ amend my order?
Once payment has been made, customers have a 10-minute window to modify or cancel their orders. After this time frame, orders cannot be cancelled as your order would have already started processing with our suppliers/ fulfilment warehouse. Please contact us as soon as possible if any changes need to be made but this cannot be guaranteed as we begin processing 10 minutes after your order has been confirmed. Our delivery team also fulfils and dispatches orders as quickly as possible and cannot guarantee your order can be modified after confirmation.
Do you offer colouring services?
Unfortunately, we no longer offer colouring services due to high demand so all of our raw hair will come in its original 1b or 613 shade and additional colouring would need to be arranged yourself with a professional stylist.
Do you offer Same Day Delivery / Collection?
Unfortunately, we do not offer this service.
I haven't received my tracking information?
As per our delivery timeframes, please be sure to remember our shipping works on business days only and your order could be dispatched on the second to last working day in order to meet our delivery promise to you. We will always send you a shipping notification via email once we are ready to ship along with full tracking information.
Can I dye my extensions?
You can bleach, dye and process our raw hair and still be impressed with its quality thereafter
What is raw Hair?
Raw hair is hair that has never been treated with any chemical. Raw hair is in its natural state with its cuticles running in the same direction and intact.
Do you ship internationally?
Yes - we ship worldwide with a tracked and signed delivery service.